Monday, July 28, 2008

First look at Cuil

Cuil - pronounced "cool" is the latest search engine developed by former Google engineers. Is it really cool? Lets find out...

Cuil boasts to cover three times more web pages than Google. To check it out, I did a simple search for "IBM" to see the number of pages each search engine returns...Surprise surprise, Google won the race by a long way, infact Cuil was not even close in terms of number of hits for the search keyword(41M compared to 275M). I like the way search results are lined up for you, by category and with images (I was not able to go to the second page of search results)...But, that takes a lot of time and resources I bet (Especially with Ajax stuff running in the background).

There are some serious bugs in this new search tool, looks like someone is in a real hurry to release this "Beta" search engine.Its good to have competition out there which makes the products even better. Its a nice beginning, but I should say that Cuil is far from being called "Cool"